Welcome to Northeast Ohio's greatest camera club! Whether you are a novice, professional or just enjoy the beauty of photography, this club is for you.
We offer opportunities to learn different techniques. We also have demonstrations and presentations from different areas of the photographic world. We have outings and field trips that offer new perspectives to the world around us.
We have 6 club competitions each year. Our club competitions are designed for member participation and the public is invited to attend. We also participate in an interclub competition each each year. We are a proud member of PSA and we provide opportunities to submit to these competitions.
You can also find us on Facebook
My Journey through Black and White Photography
Alex Kilbee - Zoom Event - At Cleveland Photo Society Clubhouse Friday, March 21 at 7:30 pm
Alex Kilbee has 30 years of experience as a professional award-winning photographer.
After studying at the prestigious Pretoria Technikon Photoschool in the mid 90's he has gone on to work in various genres in photography.
However his first love is for portrait photography, and from 2009 to 2020 ran Muse Portraits, a multiple award-winning family portrait studio.
During the pandemic whilst the studio was closed, Alex turned his attention to YouTube and shared his passion for photography.
Since November 2020 his channel, The Photographic Eye, has gained over 200,000 subscribers and the videos watched a collective 13,500,000 times.
Rather than focus on the gear aspect of photography, Alex prefers to inspire photographers of all abilities to embrace and develop the artistic side of the art form.
We will car pool. Contact Marty Kreger mlkreger@aol.com